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December 1, 2016

O.R.A.N.G.E. Power!

The color Orange has great power! We get happier when are surrounded with the color orange. My husband Steve, teases me about living in an orange bubble of happiness and positive energy. Those of you who know me know that the color orange plays a big part in my life and my business brand.  So what is O.R.A.N.G.E. power?

Different colors generate different energy and emotions. The color orange creates feelings of happiness and positive energy! I surround myself with orange to inspire happiness and positive energy within. It also inspires happiness and positive energy in others. I travel almost weekly flying to coaching and speaking venues and spend a lot of time in airports. Whenever I wear an orange scarf or for that matter anything orange people seem to smile at me more often and even go out of their way to compliment on the color Orange. Recently when I was standing in line waiting to board, five different people walking by stopped and walked over to me in line to comment on my orange scarf. The man standing behind me asked if people always went out of their way to compliment me. I told him it only happens when I wear the color orange. A car service driver last week commented within the first couple minutes of our drive how happy he was to have an upbeat person in his car. I had not said a word other than hello but I was wearing an orange scarf. The color orange just makes people feel happier and more positive,

I also am mindful of the energy I am radiating out. A happy and positive attitude is one of my core values that defines how I choose to live my life. You may have heard our attitude determines our altitude in life. Our attitude affects our altitude by creating positive or negative energy in the environment around us. The energy we create can generate either our success or our failure, based on the Law of Attraction.

“Everything affecting you is a reflection of the energy that you are radiating.”

I am an acronym addict and wanted one for O.R.A.N.G.E to reflect the Law of Attraction! My husband Steve and I came up with it on a seven hour drive to visit my family home in North Dakota. So are you ready? O.R.A.N.G.E. stands for Optimistic Radiant Attitudes Nurture Great Energy! O.R.A.N.G.E. is simply about radiating a positive attitude to create great energy in our lives. In other words, if you radiate an optimistic attitude, you will nurture great energy in your environment. It’s the Law of Attraction in action! Positive circulation in motion!

“Life is a gift. Our attitude determines how we live it!”

The Law of Attraction is like seeks like based on the frequency of energy emitted. All energy has different vibration frequencies. Positive energy seeks other positive energy with the same frequency, and negative energy seeks other negative energy with the same frequency. The energy we radiate out there always resonates back to us. We do create our environment whether it is positive or negative! So if your environment is always negative there is only one common denominator. YOU! You may want to take time to reflect on the energy you are radiating out.

I would like you to think about a day when your world seemed friendlier. Maybe the birds sang louder, the sun shined brighter, and people even let you merge into traffic. We have all had one of those days when we think wow, if everyday could be like today, it would be awesome. Maybe they can be. I wonder what your role was in that day. I wonder what mood you were in when it started. I wonder what you wearing, (maybe orange) how it made you feel, and were you smiling? When we feel good about ourselves, we radiate positive energy!   The energy we put out there always resonates back to us. We do create our environment whether it is positive or negative!

Action Plan – O.R.A.N.G.E. Power

  • Surround yourself with what makes you feel happy and positive – like the color ORANGE.
  • Be mindful of the energy you are radiating.
  • Choose to radiate positive energy.

Choose to Radiate O.R.A.N.G.E. Power and nurture happy and positive energy in your life!

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